Saturday, 12 April 2014

Marbleised Cupcakes

These cupcakes are really cute and super easy - defiantly a favourite of mine!

For 12 Cupcakes:

You will need...
100g self raising flour
100g caster sugar
100g margarine
1 egg
2 tablespoons of milk
1 tablespoon of coacoa powder
12 (+) cupcake cases
A cupcake tray

1. Preheat the oven to 200oC or gas mark 6.
2. Place the cupcake cases in the cupcake tray.

3. Weigh the self raising flour, caster sugar and margarine into the mixing bowl.
4. Add the egg and mix. When your ingredients are starting to look mixed, add the milk and stir.
5. Split your mixture into two equal parts.

6. Add your coacoa powder to one half and mix thoroughly

7. Fill your cases with 1 small spoonful of batter from each bowl so that there are two colours in the case.

8. Use a scewer of the handle of your spoon (or anything you choose) to swirl your two colours together. This will greate the marble effect. 

9. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden and leave to cool on a cooling rack.

As always, if you have a go at making these cupcakes, be sure to tag me in your photos on Instagram and Twitter! (@naomismakes) I'd love to see them!

I have no idea why the date of this post is not being displayed correctly but the correct date of this blog post is the 14th May 2014.

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