Monday, 7 April 2014

Bunny Bread Rolls

With Easter fast approaching, I thought it would be a good time to make some "Bunny Bread". I have used the following recipe but feel free to use your own (skip to step 5) if you would like.


500g strong plain bread flour

1 level tsp. salt

1 level tsp. caster sugar

25g margarine

2 level tsp. easy blend dried yeast

1/4 pint lukewarm water

1/4 pint milk

(Optional) poppy or sesame seeds

Kitchen scissors

Cling film (or tea towel)

Tooth Picks


1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 8 (220oC) and grease baking tray.

2. Put the flour, salt and sugar into the mixing bowl and rub in the margarine.

3. Stir in the yeast and add the milk and water. Use your (washed) hands to mix until it forms a dough.

4. Knead on floured surface for around 5-10 minutes until the dough is smooth and like elastic.

5. Divide your dough into around 11-13 evenly sized pieces. (I divided mine into 13 65g balls but I personally think it would look nicer to have smaller bunnies. Remember: the dough will rise to double the size!) You can use the scissors to do this.

6. Roll each section into a ball. (If for some reason, this is difficult, try kneeling the individual roll before shaping.

7. Use your scissors to snip the ears and a tooth pick to make holes for eyes.

8. (Optional) add a seed into each of the eye holes.

9. Put the rolls on a your tray and cover loosely with cling film or tea towel. Put them in a warm place to rise for around an hour.

10. Remove the cling film (or tea towel) and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

I really hope you enjoy making this! Feel free to tag me in your Instagram photos (@naomismakes) I'd love to see them!


  1. These are so cute, but guaranteed mine wouldn't come out looking like this!

    1. Thank you! They're actually really easy! ;)
