Monday, 31 March 2014

Sweet Filled Jars

I love these little Jars for gifts or even for sweet storage! And they're actually really easy to prepare and cheaper than you may think!

I got this cute little spice jar from TigerUK and it was two for a pound! Bargin! I'm always browsing in Tiger for sweet bits and bobs I could make something out of so when I saw these jars I immediately thought of filling them for gifts! There's so much you could put in these jars but when I thought of my friends, most of them LOVE Skittles so I decided to fill them with these colourful snacks!

I was so excited to fill my jars so I went off to buy my sweets and rushed home to fill the jars! Once you've filled them you could add a ribbon or other decoration to show your friends and family how much you care! You could even slip in a note telling them how much they mean to you!

Blogging For The First Time

After much debate, I have finally decided to make a blog! I don't know how well this is going to work as this is my first attempt at anything like this but I'm going to give it a try. I have always really enjoyed making thoughtful gifts for my friends and family so I thought I'd share my love for creativity with the internet!

I really hope you enjoy my blog :)